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Dear (Cis) People Who Put Your Pronouns On Your “Hello My Name Is” Name Tags
Ending Stigmatizing Language
Female Images of God in Scripture
Resilience in Leadership Initiative FAQ
Mapping Moral Landscapes: Zachary Moon
Of Gods and Beasts and Stranger Things
Kate Rae Davis: Resilience and pastoral leadership
Newly revised UCC Manual on Ministry Info Sessions at CTS, April 10 and 11
Settler Similarity and the Science of Difference
Epistemologies of Trauma
Tyler M. Tully
Tyler M. Tully is the director of the Resilience in Leadership Initiative at CTS. A native of Oklahoma with roots there extending before statehood, Tully earned a BA in Religious Studies and Theology from Our Lady of the Lake University in San Antonio, Texas before graduating with an M.Div. from CTS in 2016. Tyler is also the Arthur Peacocke Scholar in Theology and Science at Exeter College, Oxford, completing his doctoral research under the supervision of Donovan O. Schaefer (U. Penn.) and Prof. Graham Ward (Oxon).
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