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Giving Voice to the Unspoken: A 4-Part Series

Rev. Dr. Lori Baldwin (DMin ’18) will lead a series will examining the exclusionary and patriarchal attitudes of the church toward women in ministry and leadership positions. How do we affirm and encourage women’s growth in the ministry and the world?

All We Need is a Lil’ Respect!
Wed. March 6th
1:30 – 3:00 PM
Utilizing the Queen of Soul’s song … as my introduction, I present the role of women’s leadership in the church and our society building a better community for us all.
Black Women Speak!

Wed. March 13th
1:30 – 3:00 PM
The main goal for my research was to add to the discussion of women’s needs in church leadership development, we have not formally identified leadership development for women and girls which unfortunately leads to disparity.

Know Your History – So, You Don’t Repeat It!
Sat. March 23rd
10:00 – 11:30 AM
Our Historical and Biblical Mothers: If we do not tell these stories to the young women, our daughters and little girls … The need for truth telling and sharing of our church/family histories is now.

Telling Our Stories – Conclusions/Results
Sat. March 30th
10:00 – 11:30 AM
Reporting my findings as a result of my research: focus groups, interviews, questionnaires and online surveys, I identified church women of all ages and multiple denominations.

Chicago Theological Seminary

Based on Chicago’s South Side, Chicago Theological Seminary is committed to creating leaders for the next generation of religious leadership ... whatever that may be. A leader in social justice, CTS is committed to LGBTQ and gender issues, interreligious understanding, and racial justice. CTS is an affiliated seminary of the United Church of Christ. Since its founding in 1855, CTS has pushed at the growing boundaries of the church in order to make faith more relevant and transform society towards greater justice and mercy. The student body now represents more than 40 different faith traditions, perspectives, and denominations.

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